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What Is A Divisor In Math

A divisor in math is the number you are dividing with in an equation. EX: 20/4=5 The dividend is 20 The divisor is 4 The quotient is 5 20 divided by 4 equals 5. Define divisor. Divisor synonyms, divisor pronunciation, divisor translation, English dictionary definition of divisor. The quantity by which another quantity, the dividend, is to be divided. A number or quantity to be divided into another number or quantity 2. Divide, division, dividend, divisor. to divide or division is sharing or grouping. A number into equal parts. dividend: the number being divided. divisor or factor: a number that. Will divide the dividend exactly. The divisor is any number that divides another number. A factor, however, is a divisor that divides the number entirely and leaves no remainder. So, all factors of a number are its divisors. In mathematics, a divisor of an integer, also called a factor of, is an integer that may be multiplied by some integer to produce. In this case, one also says that is a multiple of An integer is divisible by another integer if is a divisor of; this implies dividing by leaves no remainder.

  1. What Is A Divisor In Math Problem
  2. What Is The Meaning Of Divisor In Mathematics
  3. What Does A Divisor In Math
The divisors of 10 illustrated with Cuisenaire rods: 1, 2, 5, and 10

In mathematics, a divisor of an integern{displaystyle n}, also called a factor of n{displaystyle n}, is an integer m{displaystyle m} that may be multiplied by some integer to produce n{displaystyle n}. In this case, one also says that n{displaystyle n} is a multiple of m.{displaystyle m.} An integer n{displaystyle n} is divisible by another integer m{displaystyle m} if m{displaystyle m} is a divisor of n{displaystyle n}; this implies dividing n{displaystyle n} by m{displaystyle m} leaves no remainder.

Noun Mathematics. A number by which another number, the dividend, is divided. A number contained in another given number a certain integral number of times, without a remainder. Origin of divisor.


If m{displaystyle m} and n{displaystyle n} are nonzero integers, and more generally, nonzero elements of an integral domain, it is said that m{displaystyle m}dividesn{displaystyle n}, m{displaystyle m} is a divisor of n,{displaystyle n,} or n{displaystyle n} is a multiple of m,{displaystyle m,} and this is written as

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mn,{displaystyle mmid n,}

if there exists an integer k{displaystyle k}, or an element k{displaystyle k} of the integral domain, such that mk=n{displaystyle mk=n}.[1]

This definition is sometimes extended to include zero.[2] This does not add much to the theory, as 0 does not divide any other number, and every number divides 0. On the other hand, excluding zero from the definition simplifies many statements. Also, in ring theory, an element a is called a 'zero divisor' only if it is nonzero and ab = 0 for a nonzero element b. Thus, there are no zero divisors among the integers (and by definition no zero divisors in an integral domain).


Divisors can be negative as well as positive, although sometimes the term is restricted to positive divisors. For example, there are six divisors of 4; they are 1, 2, 4, −1, −2, and −4, but only the positive ones (1, 2, and 4) would usually be mentioned.

1 and −1 divide (are divisors of) every integer. Every integer (and its negation) is a divisor of itself. Integers divisible by 2 are called even, and integers not divisible by 2 are called odd.

1, −1, n and −n are known as the trivial divisors of n. A divisor of n that is not a trivial divisor is known as a non-trivial divisor ( or strict divisor [3]) . A non-zero integer with at least one non-trivial divisor is known as a composite number, while the units −1 and 1 and prime numbers have no non-trivial divisors.

There are divisibility rules that allow one to recognize certain divisors of a number from the number's digits.


Plot of the number of divisors of integers from 1 to 1000. Prime numbers have exactly 2 divisors, and highly composite numbers are in bold.
  • 7 is a divisor of 42 because 7×6=42{displaystyle 7times 6=42}, so we can say 742{displaystyle 7mid 42}. It can also be said that 42 is divisible by 7, 42 is a multiple of 7, 7 divides 42, or 7 is a factor of 42.
  • The non-trivial divisors of 6 are 2, −2, 3, −3.
  • The positive divisors of 42 are 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 14, 21, 42.
  • The set of all positive divisors of 60, A={1,2,3,4,5,6,10,12,15,20,30,60}{displaystyle A={1,2,3,4,5,6,10,12,15,20,30,60}}, partially ordered by divisibility, has the Hasse diagram:

Further notions and facts[edit]

There are some elementary rules:

  • If ab{displaystyle amid b} and bc{displaystyle bmid c}, then ac{displaystyle amid c}, i.e. divisibility is a transitive relation.
  • If ab{displaystyle amid b} and ba{displaystyle bmid a}, then a=b{displaystyle a=b} or a=b{displaystyle a=-b}.
  • If ab{displaystyle amid b} and ac{displaystyle amid c}, then a(b+c){displaystyle amid (b+c)} holds, as does a(bc){displaystyle amid (b-c)}.[4] However, if ab{displaystyle amid b} and cb{displaystyle cmid b}, then (a+c)b{displaystyle (a+c)mid b} does not always hold (e.g. 26{displaystyle 2mid 6} and 36{displaystyle 3mid 6} but 5 does not divide 6).

What Is A Divisor In Math Problem

If abc{displaystyle amid bc}, and gcd(a,b)=1{displaystyle (a,b)=1}, then ac{displaystyle amid c}. This is called Euclid's lemma.

If p{displaystyle p} is a prime number and pab{displaystyle pmid ab} then pa{displaystyle pmid a} or pb{displaystyle pmid b}.

A positive divisor of n{displaystyle n} which is different from n{displaystyle n} is called a proper divisor or an aliquot part of n{displaystyle n}. A number that does not evenly divide n{displaystyle n} but leaves a remainder is called an aliquant part of n{displaystyle n}.

An integer n>1{displaystyle n>1} whose only proper divisor is 1 is called a prime number. Equivalently, a prime number is a positive integer that has exactly two positive factors: 1 and itself.

Any positive divisor of n{displaystyle n} is a product of prime divisors of n{displaystyle n} raised to some power. This is a consequence of the fundamental theorem of arithmetic.

A number n{displaystyle n} is said to be perfect if it equals the sum of its proper divisors, deficient if the sum of its proper divisors is less than n{displaystyle n}, and abundant if this sum exceeds n{displaystyle n}.

The total number of positive divisors of n{displaystyle n} is a multiplicative functiond(n){displaystyle d(n)}, meaning that when two numbers m{displaystyle m} and n{displaystyle n} are relatively prime, then d(mn)=d(m)×d(n){displaystyle d(mn)=d(m)times d(n)}. For instance, d(42)=8=2×2×2=d(2)×d(3)×d(7){displaystyle d(42)=8=2times 2times 2=d(2)times d(3)times d(7)}; the eight divisors of 42 are 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 14, 21 and 42. However, the number of positive divisors is not a totally multiplicative function: if the two numbers m{displaystyle m} and n{displaystyle n} share a common divisor, then it might not be true that d(mn)=d(m)×d(n){displaystyle d(mn)=d(m)times d(n)}. The sum of the positive divisors of n{displaystyle n} is another multiplicative function σ(n){displaystyle sigma (n)} (e.g. σ(42)=96=3×4×8=σ(2)×σ(3)×σ(7)=1+2+3+6+7+14+21+42{displaystyle sigma (42)=96=3times 4times 8=sigma (2)times sigma (3)times sigma (7)=1+2+3+6+7+14+21+42}). Both of these functions are examples of divisor functions.

If the prime factorization of n{displaystyle n} is given by

n=p1ν1p2ν2pkνk{displaystyle n=p_{1}^{nu _{1}},p_{2}^{nu _{2}}cdots p_{k}^{nu _{k}}}

then the number of positive divisors of n{displaystyle n} is

d(n)=(ν1+1)(ν2+1)(νk+1),{displaystyle d(n)=(nu _{1}+1)(nu _{2}+1)cdots (nu _{k}+1),}

and each of the divisors has the form

p1μ1p2μ2pkμk{displaystyle p_{1}^{mu _{1}},p_{2}^{mu _{2}}cdots p_{k}^{mu _{k}}}

where 0μiνi{displaystyle 0leq mu _{i}leq nu _{i}} for each 1ik.{displaystyle 1leq ileq k.}

For every natural n{displaystyle n}, d(n)<2n{displaystyle d(n)<2{sqrt {n}}}.


d(1)+d(2)++d(n)=nlnn+(2γ1)n+O(n).{displaystyle d(1)+d(2)+cdots +d(n)=nln n+(2gamma -1)n+O({sqrt {n}}).}

where γ{displaystyle gamma } is Euler–Mascheroni constant.One interpretation of this result is that a randomly chosen positive integer n has an averagenumber of divisors of about lnn{displaystyle ln n}. However, this is a result from the contributions of small and 'abnormally large' divisors.

What Is The Meaning Of Divisor In Mathematics

In abstract algebra[edit]

In definitions that include 0, the relation of divisibility turns the set N{displaystyle mathbb {N} } of non-negative integers into a partially ordered set: a complete distributive lattice. The largest element of this lattice is 0 and the smallest is 1. The meet operation is given by the greatest common divisor and the join operation by the least common multiple. This lattice is isomorphic to the dual of the lattice of subgroups of the infinite cyclic groupZ{displaystyle mathbb {Z} }.

See also[edit]

What Does A Divisor In Math

  • Table of divisors — A table of prime and non-prime divisors for 1–1000
  • Table of prime factors — A table of prime factors for 1–1000


  1. ^for instance, Sims 1984, p. 42 or Durbin 1992, p. 61
  2. ^Herstein 1986, p. 26
  3. ^FoCaLiZe and Dedukti to the Rescue for Proof Interoperability by Raphael Cauderlier and Catherine Dubois
  4. ^ab,acb=ja,c=kab+c=(j+k)aa(b+c){displaystyle amid b,amid cRightarrow b=ja,c=kaRightarrow b+c=(j+k)aRightarrow amid (b+c)}. Similarly, ab,acb=ja,c=kabc=(jk)aa(bc){displaystyle amid b,amid cRightarrow b=ja,c=kaRightarrow b-c=(j-k)aRightarrow amid (b-c)}
  5. ^Hardy, G. H.; Wright, E. M. (April 17, 1980). An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers. Oxford University Press. p. 264. ISBN0-19-853171-0.


  • Durbin, John R. (1992). Modern Algebra: An Introduction (3rd ed.). New York: Wiley. ISBN0-471-51001-7.
  • Richard K. Guy, Unsolved Problems in Number Theory (3rd ed), Springer Verlag, 2004 ISBN0-387-20860-7; section B.
  • Herstein, I. N. (1986), Abstract Algebra, New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, ISBN0-02-353820-1
  • Øystein Ore, Number Theory and its History, McGraw–Hill, NY, 1944 (and Dover reprints).
  • Sims, Charles C. (1984), Abstract Algebra: A Computational Approach, New York: John Wiley & Sons, ISBN0-471-09846-9
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