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Wordperfect Templates Download

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Templates are prototypes for different types of documents. Templates are sort of like blank forms. They don’t necessarily contain text, though. A template might contain only a collection of the particular fonts and format styles for a particular type of document, or it might contain all the text of, say, your boilerplate contract.

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Whenever you create a document, WordPerfect uses a template. The blank document that you see when you start WordPerfect is based on a standard template called wp12us.wpt. If you create a document by clicking the New Blank Document button on the toolbar (the one that looks like a blank page with the corner turned down) or by pressing Ctrl+N, WordPerfect again uses that standard template. If you start a new document by choosing File, New from Project, however, WordPerfect explicitly asks you what kind of template to use.

Using templates

There’s not much in the standard template — at least, not much as it comes out of the box from WordPerfect (you can change it, though). Mostly, the standard template contains the initial paragraph, character, and page formatting that WordPerfect uses for your documents. If you have to change your fonts and other formatting every time you create a new document, you probably should edit the standard template.


Here’s how to use a template other than the standard one:

1. Choose File, New from Project.

The PerfectExpert dialog box appears. WordPerfect has so many templates that they’re divided into categories.

2. In the pull-down list at the top of the dialog box, click a template category.

You should probably stick with WordPerfect’s standard list. So if WordPerfect doesn’t show up in this box, click the down arrow and scroll up and down the list until you find it. It’s usually close to the top.

3. In the list of templates just below the pull-down list, click the template that you want to use.

Each template has a brief description at the bottom of the dialog box.

4. Click the Create button.

Some templates kick off a PerfectExpert to guide you through creating a document. If nothing appears to happen when you click Create, that’s probably what’s going on. Arousing and invoking Experts takes some time.

Some of the templates contain PerfectScript macros to provide an added level of customization. Because macros can sometimes be used to spread viruses, WordPerfect warns you before you create the new document. In fact, based on dire warnings in the message box, you may think it’s crazy not to disable the macros before continuing. However, if you know that the template came from WordPerfect and is not something you or someone added, you should feel comfortable clicking the No button (to not disable the macros). If you decide to disable the macros, automated tasks that the template would normally do probably won’t operate correctly.

Creating a normal template

In addition to using prebuilt templates, you can create your own. Perhaps they won’t be as fancy as the WordPerfect ones, with dialog boxes and PerfectExperts and stuff, but they can end up pretty fancy and customized for your needs.

To create a regular template, follow these steps:

1. Choose File, New from Project.

2. Click the Options button in the PerfectExpert dialog box.

Wordperfect Templates Free Download

3. Choose the Create WP Template item in the list.

A template is created that will look just like a document. If you have a prototype document that you’ve already created, you can include it in your document by choosing Insert, File.

4. Customize the template.

Consider the following ways to set up your template:

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• Add or modify styles in the template, so that any documents you create from the template have those same style settings.

• Set up headers or footers, margins, or any custom page layout setting.

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• Add boilerplate text or graphics, such as a letterhead or a signature line, that will appear in each document you create based on the template.

5. Choose File, Save.

6. Type a description and name for your template and select a category.

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The Template name is the name your template will have on disk. The Template category is where your template will live in the PerfectExpert dialog box’s template groupings; those are the names in the drop-down list at the top of the PerfectExpert dialog box.

7. Click OK to save the template.

Wordperfect Templates Download

Editing templates works the same way: Select the template, but instead of clicking Create WP Template in the PerfectExpert dialog box (Step 3), click Options and select Edit WP Template. Edit to your heart’s content. When you’re finished, choose File, Save.